Lemon Verbena

Lemon Verbena

Lemon Verbena (Aloysia triphylla) originates from South America and is one of my favourite herbs. It has a delightful lemon perfume, almost like a lemon sherbet we used to buy when we were kids! It also has a beautiful white flower giving a lace effect when the tree is in bloom. Just to brush past it and scrunch the leaves is heaven, everyone should grow one and it is quite happy in a pot.

It can only be grown from cuttings, either in the Spring or Autumn. I have had more success in Autumn.  It is semi-deciduous and doesn’t like the cold, but 40 degrees Celsius? No problem. I just love it! Best to cut it back and shape it in spring to prevent it becoming straggly.

It has many uses.

It makes a very soothing, relaxing tea with a lovely lemon flavour.

Combine it in a tea with sage for sore throats and to help reduce hot flushes and excessive perspiration. 

Lemon Verbena can be used in cooking, goes nicely with fish or chicken. Can be used to flavour desserts.

The leaves dry easily and smell beautiful when dried holding its scent for a long time. 

Lemon Verbena grown from a Autumn cutting
Lemon Verbena tree, Cut back well at the beginning of spring
It's Spring and this Lemon Verbena grown from a cutting is re-shooting. Time to transplant it into a nice looking pot.

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