My Products

I have now added some exciting products to my range.

First of all a collection of rejuvenating oils.

To decide what combinations of essential oils worked, I made up a few different combinations in 50 ml bottles with different base oils and stored them in a dark cupboard for over twelve months to mature. At the end of that time I tested them, made a few adjustments, stored them again and have now come up with four rejuvenating oils and three base oils.

What I wished to achieve were oils primarily for self-massage. Although it’s nice to have someone massage you it’s not always possible and when you think about it you can self-massage most areas of your body, hands, feet, arms, legs, abdomen, ,shoulders and some parts of the upper and lower back, avoiding straining of course! I want you to relax!

A few drops in the bath is wonderful and massaging after a bath or shower is a good time as the oil penetrates the skin easier and the aroma is so relaxing. They can also be used as a wake up treatment in the shower, pour a few drops onto a face cloth and briskly rub over the body, ready for the day! I’ll now look at each Rejuvenating Oil individually.

Orchard Breeze

Almond, Apricot or Jojoba base oil combined with Lavender, Bergamot, Lime and Patchouli essential oils. Harmonising, uplifting and refreshing, for relief of headaches, nervous tension and exhaustion.


Almond, Apricot or Jojoba base oil combined with Geranium, Clary Sage and Frankincense essential oils. Helps relieve nervous tension and poor circulation. For the temporary relief of headache. Warming and soothing, use in the bath, shower or anytime.

Warm Thoughts

Almond, Apricot or Jojoba base oil combined with Sweet Orange, Bergamot, and Cederwood. An uplifting, refreshing and warming oil for mild anxiety and depression. Cederwood is helpful with arthritis.


Almond, Apricot or Jojoba base Oil combined with Ylang Ylang, Mandarin, and Black Pepper essential Oils, A soothing and balancing oil for the relief of insomnia, nervous tension and muscle aches and pains. Stimulating and warming. Ylang Ylang said to be aphrodisiacal.

Base Oils can be Sweet Almond, Apricot Kernel or Jojoba Oil. Sweet Almond  and Apricot Kernel oil have a shelf life of up to a year depending on storage. Jojoba oil is a wax not an oil and will last for up to five years.

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